
SAP Cloud Migration – A holistic approach

Looking to migrate your SAP system to cloud? Most customers have followed a highly recommended approach using following these best practices :

  • Start with a thorough assessment of your existing system to determine which workloads are suitable for the cloud.
  • Choose the right cloud provider based on your organization’s needs and goals.
  • Develop a comprehensive migration plan that covers everything from data migration to security considerations.
  • Prioritize testing and training to ensure a smooth transition for end-users.
  • Establish a governance framework to ensure ongoing maintenance and support of the system.
  • Consider leveraging automation practices to streamline the migration process.
  • Be prepared to make adjustments as needed, based on feedback and evolving business requirements.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest SAP cloud technologies and updates to ensure continued optimization and improvement of your system.
  • Collaborate closely with your cloud provider and other stakeholders throughout the migration process.

These measures are derived from best practice guidelines for a successful and seamless migration path of there SAP on premise systems to cloud.

Our consulting services are designed to help our clients walk through entire cloud migration journey and achieve global milestones. Lets connect with us today at for more details.